Monday, November 10, 2014

Releasing KOFNW and METAL SLUG 6


  1. thank your for the release do both games work 100 % on emulators ?

  2. No, they only work on the original Naomi, not on emulators.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You are a super hero

    Thank you

    just tried it on my Naomi 2 and they work nicely

    I noticed you titled KOF as NewWave, its Actualy NeoWave just thought I'd mention it

  5. Cool,big thanks!!!!

    Can you post The Rumble Fish 2 a next time (o; ?!!!!!

  6. was Guilty Gear Isuka released to pee ons?

  7. Any possibility of working on Neo Geo Battle coliseum and KOF XI

  8. thank you dawg!

    and thank you @ all the backers who donated so that we, the cheap bastards can enjoy these fine releases:-)

    btw. is no red blood(option) in MS6??? wtf...

    1. I asked the same thing when I was testing. I don't think it can be turned on. There is no option in the menus. Does the real AW cart have red blood?

  9. No red blood ever on real AW hardware for any version of MS6.
    Alot of us had hope of red blood being hacked in with this conversion.

  10. I think tek hit the nail on the head. Problem is that this big "A LOT" of people that you mention, seems not to be very interested judging by the number of donations, let alone hacks like red blood....

    1. Ha, point understood and very true about donations.
      I for one like to watch your site mostly because I am interested in and respect your work. I would love to see a red blood hack just to see what I feel was a mistake in the original release fixed. However it would not help me out with my original cart anyway. I have most the AW carts I would want, except for SSVI. Also the only time I tried netbooting a AW conversion (demolish fist) it would crash on me after a few min. Probably an early version or something, I dont remember.

  11. Thanks so much! I played through MS6 on my naomi-1 and all stages worked flawlessly, this ROCKS!

  12. can you point me to a guide on using bin files on naomi hardware?

  13. MS6 doesn't work on my Naomi 2. Just hangs on white and black screen "Loading"

    I am using Netdimm 4.01
