I received the Sygnal analyser ten days ago. I'm trying to setup everything to start reading signals. It's easier to say than to do it :))
I plan to release the tool to convert games in very very short time, however the tool at this moment, although it works great, it works with files (10, 20, 30,31,etc. which are inside the CD) rather than with the ISO itself so you need to extarct the files from the ISO, convert them with the tool and use an HEX EDitor to put the content back.
Another feature is that it's programmed with DJGPP 

I was thinking about converting it to Visual C++ and make it work with ISOs, but this will eventually delay the release. Should I release it as it is?
Another thing is that if you want to convert a game for a cart that uses less memory (like i.e. SFIII 3rd Strike to work on cartridge of SFIII NewGen), then you need to create 2 cds. The first CD will contain the files 10,30,31,40 and 41 and we will update as normally, then we need to remove these SIMMS, replace them with new ones and make the second update.
After that we move the SIMMS of the second update to their rightposition (Slot 1-->Slot 2 and Slot 3 -->5 and Slot 4-->Slot 6) and place the SIMMS of the first update to the Slots 1,3 and 4.
Notice that in both updates you should have the correspondent SIMM in slot 5 although we will discard it at the end.
As the cartridge hasn't been hacked yet, this is the only way to do it. Actually it will take almost the same amount of time to make the update as with the original. The main hassle is to change the SIMMS.
If you have any comments or would like to help with the conversion to Visual C++, feel free to comment. I will also release the source probably as GPL.
Thank you so much for taking the time to develop this cool stuff! In my opinion it doesn't really matter but direct ISO-patching would be very comfortable. I have a working Warzard-Board with CD, also I have additional SIMMs. I've read somewhere that it doesn't make any difference if you fill all available slots even if the game doesn't utilize them, can you confirm that?
ReplyDeleteIf so - Can I just leave them (all slots filled) and assume every game would work?
Thanks again! Please consider accepting donations because I really like to do so!
If I understand correctly, your final goal is to produce a CD that can be executed by a suicided cart, right?
ReplyDeleteI have a live Giant Attack cart, is it possible to run 3rd Strike on it?
I, too, would be willing to donate.
Final Goal is to be able to revive any cartridge with whatever key is possible and have them using a modified version of the BIOS for that specific key so that can run any game.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts are this:
Release it as is, give a few examples and walkthroughs.
Your 3rd Strike on a New Gen cart example is a good one to make a tutorial out of as it requires all of the possible steps.
How long would it take to do the conversion and iso editing? It would be really easy!
hm, since my 3rd Strike cart died yesterday, i'll say "release it as is" heh
ReplyDeleteextracting an iso and rebuilding it is worth playing these game again
again, thanks for your work :)