Everyone who'd like to contribute or that would like to see speed up the convertion process of his/her favourite game is welcome.
Just download this special version of the emulator: http://netload.in/datei37DARnQNE7/cps3.rar.htm
put your favourite romset and...play!
What you have to do is very simple, jut start the game you want and start playing, play it to the end with P1, then with P2 (you can change settings in the bios), then start a game with P1, then in half combat join P2, wait for time to finish, make so many combos as you can, etc. The idea is to execute so much code as possible. so then my robot can trace it.
If you play for let's say 1 hour and you need to do something else, you can let the emulator running. If you quit the emulator a file called "codeacces.bin" will be created. Good news is that when you start the emulator later, it reads the existing codeaccess.bin file and continues modifying it.
VERY IMPORTANT! BAD NEWS is that you can't start another game with the same codeaccess.bin. If you for example, played in total 3 hours of SF3-NG and then start another game even 5 seconds, the resulting table is compeltely messed and useless, so if you want to play another game, you need to rename the codeacces.bin table to something else like: codeacces-sf3ng.bin
Please don't send a table unless you are 100% sure that it's not mixed with another game. Even different versions of a game will corrupt it, so if you play i.e. SF3-NG 970204 then stick to 970204.
When you think you are done, please send the codeacces.bin file to pablofg_ [_at] hotmail.com
Stay tuned for more.
Hi I would like to help, but every time I use the emulator it my inputs become slow and laggy after the second battle. I prefer using an arcade stick but I have also tried the keyboard and the result is the same. I'm playing Sf3 3rd strike. Please let me know if there is some setting that needs to be changed.
ReplyDeleteI know that this version starts lagging after one minute and ElSemi is working on a new version. However I've used to create several tables and worked somehow OK. Let's wait for next version coming soon.