Saturday, September 6, 2014

Breakthrough on Atomiswave to Naomi!

I've been mega busy with the STV Cartridge, but I can happily say that after doing a lot of this:

I managed to get this:


  1. Great work as always, I can't wait for metal slug 6. :)

  2. me encnataria ver METAL SLUG 6 kof XI samurai VI y NGBC transformados para que funcionen mejor :D en mi pobre pauperrimo pc :D

  3. Freakin Awsome! Can't wait to play it! Hopefully "Samurai Shodown 6" will be following shortly after. Thanks again for all your hard work!

  4. I have some reading to do I think- from plain appearance it boggles my mind that these two pieces of hardware are so similar, I would have never guessed this before I heard of it happening. Great work so far, I will be following this!

  5. Awesome! Metal Slug 6 and SS VI are the two best reasons to own an Atomiswave! (Well, Extreme Hunting is fun as hell too).
