Friday, September 19, 2014

King of Fightes New Wave + Metal Slug 6 released!

I have released those games today to the people who ordered the Atomiswave CD. As with previous releases I'll put a meter on the right, so people can donate towards making these games public.

Minimum amoun to make it count is EUR 20 and you can make it using the link on the right.

When we reach 10 donations, the games will be released.....


  1. Hi, I made a donation a while ago (although not for the full CD package), will you release to all donors today?


    1. Breaking Cps3: King Of Fightes New Wave + Metal Slug 6 Released! >>>>> Download Now

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      Breaking Cps3: King Of Fightes New Wave + Metal Slug 6 Released! >>>>> Download LINK

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      Breaking Cps3: King Of Fightes New Wave + Metal Slug 6 Released! >>>>> Download Full

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  2. I too donated... how much does a CD cost? I'd love to get me some Metal Slug 6...

  3. Nice to see you haven't forgot about us. Thanks again for all your hard work. :)

  4. Just tested MS6 on my Naomi 2 with CF adapter. Game boots and plays but no sound. Sound goes away after Naomi logo.

  5. Can I order an Atomiswave CD and, like, have that count as part of the donations?

    (hell, if not, can I still buy an Atomiswave CD if it's got everything on there please)

  6. Hi, you can order the CD for 40 EUR using the donate button on the right. It will of course count towards the donation meter as well.
    It will be shipped when ALL games are converted which will hopefully happen soon.

  7. Hi,
    I tested KOFNW on my naomi . The game boot and play is ok, but one texture bug appears during spécial attack (with ray bug).
    Thanks for you work and can't wait to play KOF11.

  8. Replies
    1. I just tried Naomi 1 / Netbooting. MS6 plays fine thus far... no sound issue as mentioned above. KoFNW loaded fine... but I've not played any games... though it did make it through the attract screen a couple times...

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Was MS6 made to have red blood?
    If not could it be?

  11. Hello, i made a donation recently. Its overwhelming to see that its possible to convert the games. Im owning Naomi 1+2 and an Atomiswave but no dreamcast which would be too mainstream ^^,) I m looking forward to your projects, wish you the best efforts and please update when you will present the atomiswave full collection cd

  12. mame r32553
    Sunday 5th October, 2014 at 13:39:31 UTC by R. Belmont
    awboard: add "offset protection" used by some carts. samsptk and kofxi boot now. [R. Belmont, MetalliC]
    [src/mame/machine] awboard.c awboard.h

  13. King of Fighter new wave works fine with full audio on Naomi 2. Sad MS6 has no audio. It's the only game I really care about on AW.

  14. To be crystal clear (as my prior post is somewhat ambiguous on the matter)... i am having no issues with my sound with MS6 or KOF...

  15. Darn it. Time to get a Naomi 1 MB. It seems that for some reason the Naomi 2 just has too many problems with a lot of these ports!

  16. Can Anyone else please post how is MSLUG6 working for you?
    Please post If Naomi1 or Naomi 2 and if you NEtload or CFLoad.

  17. MS6 working fine. Naomi 1 / Netbooting.

  18. Hi,
    I ordered the cd by the donation of 40 euro , can I have metal slug 6 and kof please.

  19. Breaking Cps3: King Of Fightes New Wave + Metal Slug 6 Released! >>>>> Download Now

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    Breaking Cps3: King Of Fightes New Wave + Metal Slug 6 Released! >>>>> Download LINK

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    Breaking Cps3: King Of Fightes New Wave + Metal Slug 6 Released! >>>>> Download Full

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